挖掘机 装载机 压路机 摊铺机 泵车 起重机

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你好,国机洛建LDD312H-2全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 特点及优势:    ★计算机PLC及CAN总线技术,整机全智能控制。 ★道依茨电喷发动机,独立参数控制散热系统和冷热风隔离系统。 ★自动作业巡航功能和软加、减速控制,保证了整机在工作过程中运行更平衡,压实质量更高。 ★配置手动、用户定制、自动三种振动控制模式、洒水控制模式,中位自动振运停止功能,洒水参数由用户随意设定。 ★双铰接转向和电控蟹行机构。 ★可选择的切边及压边装置附带洒水装置,适用于沥青路缘修整。 ★大屏幕彩色液晶及触摸开关,集成洒水和振动按钮的进口电控手柄,极大地方便了整机的操作和控制。 ★各系统加注、观测和排放均采取了人性设计,容易操作,方便更换和清洗。标本携式液压检测仪和过滤机。
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你好,国机洛建LDD612H-614H全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 主要性能特点 本机是采用国外先进技术并进口关键零部件生产的全液压双钢轮振动压路机,主要适合于路面工程的各类稳定土、沥青混凝土,干硬性混凝土等材料的压实,也可用于路基工程作业,是建设高等级公路、铁路、机场、港口、堤坝、市政工程及工业场地的理想压实设备。 Hydraulic double drum vibratory rollers are manufactured according to international advanced technology and by use of imported main components abroad, suitable for compaction of various stabilized soils, bituminous concrete and rolling cement concrete (RCC) on road surface construction, also for compaction of road base course, which are universal compaction equipments for high-class highway, airport, harbors, dams, municipal road and industrial ground. 1、康明斯6BTAA-C150水冷增压空空中冷发动机,国二排放   2、全液压传动、双频率双振幅   3、行走操纵实现从零到最大速度的真正无极调速   4、蟹行转向机构,使得压边性能和弯道压实性能进一步提高   5、吸风式散热系统和散热风道的设计,适用于高温地区工作   6、驾驶室的翻转机构,便于发动机的保养和检修   7、可选配振荡功能   8、较高的性价比 COMMINS 6BTAA-C150 air-air after-cooled diesel engine meet GUOⅡemission standards  All hydraulic travel drive, and dual frequency and amplitudes vibration Travel control at really infinitely variable speeds from 0 to max speed. Crabwalk steering mechanism enhances compaction effect of road edge and curve. Suction-air-type cooling system and air path design for working at high temperature area.   Side-turnover driver’s cabin for convenient for engine maintenance. Drum oscillation function as option. Optimum performance-value-ratio 
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你好,国机洛建HDD640双钢轮压路机的性能特点是: 采用日本久保田KUBOTA柴油机,功率储备大、性能可靠、油耗低、噪声低,符合欧Ⅱ排放标准;全液压双轮驱动,可单独前轮或后轮振动。全液压中央铰接转向,无级变速,设有紧急停车按钮,保证行车安全;采用美国SAUER-SUNDSTR-AND行走泵、法国POCLAIN行走马达和德国CENTA连轴器等原装进口元件。
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你好,骏马JM803H-1全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于城市道路、城际公路、县乡公路等路面沥青面层的压实和修补     性能特点 1.JM803H-1液压前轮振动。 2.整机优化流线设计,铰接车架,造型美观,转向灵活。 3.独特叉脚支撑设计,视野盲区小。 4.前机罩可大角度开启,维修保养触手可得。 5.电控压力洒水系统,喷洒均匀效果好。 6.配置国际知名品牌液压元件。
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你好,骏马JM803HA全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于城市道路、城际公路、县乡公路等路面沥青面层的压实和修补     性能特点 1JM803H-1液压双轮驱动,为无级变速,JM803HA液压后轮振动。 2.整机优化流线设计,铰接车架,造型美观,转向灵活。 3.独特叉脚支撑设计,视野盲区小。 4.前机罩可大角度开启,维修保养触手可得。 5.电控压力洒水系统,喷洒均匀效果好。 6.配置国际知名品牌液压元件。
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你好,骏马JM812HC-2全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 产品介绍 / The Introduction of products 性能特点: Main features 1、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速;液压单轮/双轮振动,单频双幅,电控起振;液压转向,操作轻便 2、铰接车架,转向灵活,双方向盘操控,压边控制性好 3、前后两套独立电控压力喷洒水系统,防腐洒水箱和系统 4、设有制动释放装置,可供近距离拖行 5、驾驶室可大角度翻起,维护保养方便 1、Hydraulic double drive, two infinitely variable speed; Hydraulic single/double vibration, single frequency, double amplitude, electric vibration, Hydraulic steering, convenient operation. Start-oscillation by electronic control. Hydraulic steering and easy to operation 2、Articulated frame, flexible steering, steering wheel control, pressure control is good 3、Pressure spray water system before and after the two sets of independent control system, anticorrosive sprinkle water tank and system 4、The brake release device for dragged from close range 5、The cab can be move large angle, maintenance is convenient 适用范围: Application 高等级公路沥青面层的压实,也适用于城市道路、城际公路等一般路面沥青面层的压实 Compacting and  the asphalt pavement, general road base, highway, city road and inter-city etc. 产品细节描述: 1、国际品牌萨奥SAUER柱塞泵 2、IGY大扭矩液压马达 1、International brand SAUER piston pump 2、IGY high torque hydraulic motor
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你好,骏马JM802H全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于人行道、县乡公路、停车场、体育场、水管沟槽、建筑庭院等狭窄场地路面沥青面层的压实和修补,也适合高等级公路沥青面层的压实和修补。 Applications Compacting and repairing the general road base and asphalt pavement in narrow space, such as sidewalks, rural county road, parking area, stadium, trench, courtyard and so on. The highway road base and asphalt pavement is also suitable. 性能特点 1、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速; 2、液压双轮振动,电控延迟起振,压实性能好; 3、液压转向,铰接式车架,操作轻便灵活; 4、配置大容量防腐洒水箱,电控压力洒水; 5、液压行走制动,电控自锁停车制动,安全可靠; 6、前机罩大角度开启,维修保养触手可得; 7、主要液压元件采用进口国际知名品牌,性能可靠; 8、配有可供选购的平板拖车,便于施工转移; 9、可选配进口Perkins(珀金斯)柴油机。 Main Features 1. Hydraulic double drum drive, two-speed range and stepless speed change. 2. Hydraulic double drum vibration, electronic controlled delayed starting of vibration with good compaction performance. 3. Hydraulic steering, articulated frame with flexible operation. 4. Equipped with electronic control pressurized water spraying system, high volume anti-corrosive water tank. 5. Hydraulic service brake, electronic self-locking parking brake, safe and reliable 6. The front cover can be turned up in a big angel for easily maintenance. 7. Equipped with imported famous brand hydraulic components with reliable performance. 8. A trailer is provided for convenient transportation. 9. Imported Perkins engine is optional for you. 
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你好,骏马JM813H全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 性能特点: Main features 1、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速;液压双轮振动,双频双幅(振动机),液压双轮振荡或振动(振动振荡机);电控起振;液压转向,操作轻便 2、前后钢轮均可单独起振,也可同时起振,适应不同工况,节能高效 3、振荡与振动功能通过电控延时转换,轻松方便,无冲击(振动振荡机) 4、具有液压蟹行(前后轮横向错位)机构,压边性能极好 5、铰接车架,转向灵活;整机蟹形叉脚流线设计,造型美观;驾驶室可大角度翻起,维护方便 6、双水泵双水路电控压力喷洒水系统,可实现间歇式喷洒 7、设有制动释放装置,可供近距离拖行 8、驾驶室内设冷暖空调,并具有三级减振功能,操作舒适 9、主要液压元件均为进口品牌 10、可选配进口康明斯柴油机 1、Double drum hydraulic drive, two ranges stepless change gear. Hydraulic double drum vibration, Double frequency and amplitude (vibratory roller), Double drum hydraulic oscillation or vibrations (oscillatory vibratory roller), Start-oscillation by electronic control. Hydraulic steering and easy to operation 2、Front or rear drum vibration separately, double-drum vibration, adapt to different working condition, with high efficiency  3、Choose the vibration and oscillation function by electric control delay with simple operation and non impact (vibratory oscillatory roller) 4、Hydraulic crab-walking device (lateral displacement of front and rear drum) and good controlling of edge compaction 5、Articulated frame and flexible steering, streamlined design with crab shape and nice appearance. The cab can be turned up in a big angle for easily maintenance 6、This roller can realize the intermittent spraying to adopt the electrical control pressurized sprinkler system with double pump and circuit 7、Equipped with the brake releasing device, it is provided for dragged for a short distance 8、This roller has air-conditioning inside the cab and function of Grade-III shock absorption for comfortable operation 9、Adopt the imported Rexroth brand for main hydraulic components 10、The imported diesel engine of brand “Cummins” is optional 适用范围: Application 高等级公路沥青面层的压实,也适用于城市道路、城际公路等一般路面沥青面层的压实 振动振荡压路机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层的压实和修补 This roller applies to compact the asphalt pavement of highway and general road base, city road, inter-city etc. The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller 产品介绍 / The Introduction of products 产品细节描述 1.世界品牌康明斯动力 2.国际品牌萨奥SAUER(或力士乐Rexroth)液压 1、The world brand Cummins power 2、International brand sauer-danfoss SAUER or Rexroth hydraulic system
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你好,骏马JM813H/JMD813H全液压双钢轮振动/振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于高等级公路沥青面层的压实,也适用于城市道路、城际公路等一般路面沥青面层的压实,振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层压实。 Applications Compacting and repairing general road base and asphalt pavement of city road,inter-city road and etc. The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller. 性能特点 1 、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速; 2 、振动机:液压双轮振动,电控延时起振,激振力大,压实性能好; 振动振荡机:具有液压振动/振荡两种功能(可选配双轮振荡),电控延时起振,压实性能好; 3 、液压转向,铰接式车架,转向轻便灵活,操作轻便灵活; 4 、具有液压蟹行(前后轮横向错位)功能,有效防止损坏路肩,可提升路边压实效果; 5 、配置超大防腐洒水箱,双水泵电控压力间歇喷洒水系统; 6 、液压行走制动,电控盘刹停车制动,设有制动释放装置,可供近距离拖行,安全性能好; 7 、整机蟹形叉脚流线设计,造型美观,视野盲区小,可完全靠路肩贴边压实; 8 、驾驶室可大角度翻起,维护保养触手可得; 9 、操作台和座椅可左右90度旋转,便于操作者观察边缘压实; 10、驱动和振动系统均配置进口国际知名品牌液压元件,性能可靠; 11、标配空调驾驶室,可选配棚架; 12、标配康明斯柴油机,可选配道依茨柴油机。 Main features 1 . Hydraulic double drum drive, two-speed range and stepless speed change. 2 . Vibratory roller: Hydraulic double drum vibration, electronic controlled delayed starting of vibration,       great exciting force with high compacting efficiency.      Vibratory oscillatory roller: hydraulic vibration and oscillation, double drum oscillation is for your choice,        electronic controlled starting of vibration, with good compaction performance. 3 .  Hydraulic steering, articulated frame with flexible steering and operation. 4 . Hydraulic crab-working function (transverse displacement of both front and rear drum) can effectively       prevent damage to road shoulder and improve the road edge compaction effect. 5 . Equipped with high volume anti-corrosive water tank, electronic controlled dual-pump pressurized       intermittent water spraying system. 6 . Hydraulic service brake, electronic controlled parking brake, with brake release device which       can be applied for dragging the machine for short distance. 7 . Crab pattern & fork streamline design, attractive appearance with small blind view area,       excellent road edge compaction performance. 8 . The cabin can be turned up for big angle for convenient maintenance. 9 . Operation station and operation seat can rotate around 90 degree,      conveniently for operators to observe curb compaction. 10. Drive and vibration system are equipped with imported famous brand hydraulic components       with reliable performance. 11. Standard equipped with air conditioned canopy, canopy is optional. 12. Standard equipped with Cummins engine, Deutz engine is for your choice.
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你好,骏马YZC12H全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于较高等级公路和城市道路、城际及县乡公路及其它工业场地等一般路面沥青面层的压实和修补。 Applications Compacting and repairing general road base and asphalt pavement of highway,city road,inter-city road and other industrial sites. 性能特点 1、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速; 2、液压双轮振动,电控延时起振,激振力大,压实性能好; 3、液压转向,铰接式车架,转向轻便灵活,操作轻便灵活; 4、前后各设置有防腐洒水箱,两套独立电控压力喷洒水系统; 5、液压行走制动,电控盘刹停车制动,设有制动释放装置,可供近距离拖行,安全性能好; 6、操纵台及驾驶室可大角度翻起,维护保养触手可得; 7 、双方向盘和操纵设计,便于操作者观察边缘压实; 8、主要液压元件采用进口国际和合资知名品牌,性能可靠; 9、标配驾驶室,可选配空调驾驶室和棚架。 Main Features 1. Hydraulic double drum drive, two-speed range and stepless speed change. 2. Hydraulic double drum vibration, electronic controlled delayed starting of vibration,    great exciting force with high compacting efficiency. 3. Hydraulic steering, articulated frame with flexible steering and operation. 4. Two anti-corrosive water tanks in both front and backside,    two separate electronic control pressurized water spraying systems.  5. Hydraulic service brake, Electronic controlled parking brake, brake release device    which can be applied for dragging the machine for short distance. 6. Operating board and cabin can be turned up for big angle for convenient maintenance. 7. Twin steering wheel operation design offers convenience for operators    to observe edge compaction. 8. Equipped with imported famous brand and joint venture brands hydraulic components    with reliable performance. 9. Standard equipped with cabin, cabin with air conditioner or canopy is for your choice.
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你好,骏马JMD807H全液压双钢轮振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于高等级公路和城市道路、城际及县乡公路、体育运动和其它工业场地等 一般路面沥青面层的压实和修补, 更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的 沥青面层压实和修补            Applications Compacting and repairing the general road base and asphalt pavement in highway, city road, inter-city and township road, sports and other industrial site and so on. The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller.   性能特点 1  、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速; 2 、具有液压振动/振荡两种功能,电控延时起振,压实性能好; 3 、液压转向,铰接式车架,操作轻便灵活; 4 、配置防腐大容量洒水箱,电控压力喷洒水系统; 5 、液压行走制动,电控盘刹停车制动,安全可靠; 6 、叉脚支撑优化设计,视野盲区小,可完全靠路肩贴边压实; 7 、前机罩大角度开启,维修保养触手可得; 8 、主要液压元件采用进口国际知名品牌,性能可靠; 9 、 配置随机拖车装置(自主发明),便于施工转移; 10、可选配进口品牌柴油机。 Main features 1 . Hydraulic double drum drive, two-speed range and stepless speed change.  2 . Hydraulic vibration and  oscillation, electronic controlled delayed starting of vibration, with good compaction performance. 3 . Hydraulic steering, articulated frame with flexible operation. 4 . Equipped with electric control pressurized water spraying  system, high volume anti-corrosive water tank. 5 . Hydraulic service brake, electronic self-locking parking brake, safe and reliable. 6 . Front fork support optimized design with small vision blind area to compact    the road shoulder very closely. 7 . The front cover can be turned up in a big angel for easily maintenance. 8 . Equipped with imported famous brand hydraulic components with reliable performance. 9 . Trailer device (JUNMA independent patent) is provided for convenient transportation. 10. Imported engines are optional.
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你好,骏马JMD808H全液压双钢轮振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围: Applications  高等级公路沥青面层的压实,也适用于城市道路、城际公路等一般路面沥青面层的压实,振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层的压实和修补 Compacting the asphalt pavement of highway, and general road base of city road, inter-city road and etc. The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller. 性能特点: Main features 1、驱动和振动系统均选用国际著名品牌进口液压元件; 2、液压双轮驱动,两档无极变速;振动机液压双轮振动,双频双幅;振动振荡机前轮振动振荡,后轮双频双幅振动;电控延时起振和转换,液压铰接转向,操作轻便; 3、前后钢轮均可单独起振,也可同时起振,适应不同工况,节能高效; 4、独特叉脚支撑设计,视野盲区较小,可完全贴近路肩压实; 5、驾驶室宽敞明亮,操作台和座椅可左右旋转90度,便于边缘压实; 6、可设置冷暖空调,供用户选配; 7、两侧机罩可大角度开启,发动机及液压元件充分暴露,维修保养触手可得; 8、两大防腐洒水箱连通设计,容量大,电控压力喷洒水系统,可实现间歇 式喷洒。 1、Drive system and vibration system adopt the international reputed brand imported hydraulic components; 2、Hydraulic double drum drive, two range infinitely various speed.    Vibratory roller-hydraulic double drum vibration, double frequency and amplitude.                                     Vibration oscillatory roller-front-rear vibration oscillation, rear drum double frequency and amplitude vibration.                                          Starting vibration and converting by electric control delay with simple operation.   Hydraulic steering with articulated frame. 3、Both drums vibrate separately or simultaneously, to adapt to different working condition, energy-saving, high-efficiency; 4、Special design of the fork support to compact the road shoulder fully closed, with good visions; 5、The cabin is spacious and bright, operation station and operation seat can rotate around 90°, conveniently for curb compaction; 6、An air-conditioner is optional for customers; 7、The covers on both sides can be turned up in a big angel, the engine and hydraulic components are fully exposed, which are more convenient for maintenance; 8、Connective design for two anti-corrosive sprinkler tanks with large capacity, electric control pressurized sprinkler system, intermittent spraying. 
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你好,骏马JM809HA全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于高等级公路沥青面层的压实和修补,也适用于城市道路、城际及县乡公路及其它工业场地等一般路面沥青面层的压实和修补。 Compacting the asphalt pavement of highway,compacting and repairing general road base and asphalt pavement of city road,inter-city road, other industrial sitesand etc. 性能特点 1 、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速; 2 、液压双轮振动,电控延时起振,激振力大,压实性能好; 3 、液压转向,铰接式车架,操作轻便灵活; 4  、大防腐洒水箱连通设计,容量大,电控压力间歇喷洒水; 5 、液压行走制动,电控盘刹停车制动,设有制动释放装置,可供近距离拖行,安全性能好; 6 、整机蟹形叉脚流线设计,造型美观,视野盲区小,可完全靠路肩贴边压实; 7 、两侧后机罩可大角度开起,维护保养触手可得; 8 、操作台和座椅可左右90度旋转,便于操作者观察边缘压实; 9 、主要液压元件采用进口国际知名品牌,性能可靠; 10、标配防翻棚架,可选配空调驾驶室。 11、可选配康明斯柴油机。 Main features 1 . Hydraulic double drum drive, two-speed range and stepless speed change. 2 . Hydraulic double drum vibration, electronic controlled delayed starting of vibration, great exciting force with high compacting efficiency; 3 . Hydraulic steering, articulated frame with flexible operation. 4 . Connective design for two anti-corrosive water tanks with large capacity, electronic control pressurized water spraying system, intermittent spraying.  5 . Hydraulic service brake, Electronic self-locking parking brake, brake release device which can be applied for dragging the machine for short distance. 6 . Crab pattern & fork streamline design, attractive appearance with small blind view area, excellent road edge compaction performance. 7 . The covers on both sides can be turned up in a big angel,which are more convenient for maintenance. 8 . Operation station and operation seat can rotate around 90 degree,conveniently for operators observing curb compaction. 9 . Drive and vibration system are equipped with imported famous brand hydraulic components with reliable performance. 10. Standard equipped with ROPS canopy. Cabin with air conditioner is for your choice. 11. CUMMINS engine is optional.
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你好,骏马JMD809H全液压双钢轮振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围: Applications  高等级公路沥青面层的压实,也适用于城市道路、城际公路等一般路面沥青面层的压实,振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层的压实和修补 Compacting the asphalt pavement of highway, and general road base of city road, inter-city road and etc. The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller. 性能特点: Main features 1、驱动和振动系统均选用国际著名品牌进口液压元件; 2、液压双轮驱动,两档无极变速;振动机液压双轮振动,双频双幅;振动振荡机前轮振动振荡,后轮双频双幅振动;电控延时起振和转换,液压铰接转向,操作轻便; 3、前后钢轮均可单独起振,也可同时起振,适应不同工况,节能高效; 4、独特叉脚支撑设计,视野盲区较小,可完全贴近路肩压实; 5、驾驶室宽敞明亮,操作台和座椅可左右旋转90度,便于边缘压实; 6、可设置冷暖空调,供用户选配; 7、两侧机罩可大角度开启,发动机及液压元件充分暴露,维修保养触手可得; 8、两大防腐洒水箱连通设计,容量大,电控压力喷洒水系统,可实现间歇 式喷洒。 1、Drive system and vibration system adopt the international reputed brand imported hydraulic components; 2、Hydraulic double drum drive, two range infinitely various speed.    Vibratory roller-hydraulic double drum vibration, double frequency and amplitude.                                     Vibration oscillatory roller-front-rear vibration oscillation, rear drum double frequency and amplitude vibration.                                          Starting vibration and converting by electric control delay with simple operation.   Hydraulic steering with articulated frame. 3、Both drums vibrate separately or simultaneously, to adapt to different working condition, energy-saving, high-efficiency; 4、Special design of the fork support to compact the road shoulder fully closed, with good visions; 5、The cabin is spacious and bright, operation station and operation seat can rotate around 90°, conveniently for curb compaction; 6、An air-conditioner is optional for customers; 7、The covers on both sides can be turned up in a big angel, the engine and hydraulic components are fully exposed, which are more convenient for maintenance; 8、Connective design for two anti-corrosive sprinkler tanks with large capacity, electric control pressurized sprinkler system, intermittent spraying. 
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你好,骏马JMD810H全液压双钢轮振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围: Applications  高等级公路沥青面层的压实,也适用于城市道路、城际公路等一般路面沥青面层的压实,振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层的压实和修补 Compacting the asphalt pavement of highway, and general road base of city road, inter-city road and etc. The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller. 性能特点: Main features 1、驱动和振动系统均选用国际著名品牌进口液压元件; 2、液压双轮驱动,两档无极变速;振动机液压双轮振动,双频双幅;振动振荡机前轮振动振荡,后轮双频双幅振动;电控延时起振和转换,液压铰接转向,操作轻便; 3、前后钢轮均可单独起振,也可同时起振,适应不同工况,节能高效; 4、独特叉脚支撑设计,视野盲区较小,可完全贴近路肩压实; 5、驾驶室宽敞明亮,操作台和座椅可左右旋转90度,便于边缘压实; 6、可设置冷暖空调,供用户选配; 7、两侧机罩可大角度开启,发动机及液压元件充分暴露,维修保养触手可得; 8、两大防腐洒水箱连通设计,容量大,电控压力喷洒水系统,可实现间歇 式喷洒。 1、Drive system and vibration system adopt the international reputed brand imported hydraulic components; 2、Hydraulic double drum drive, two range infinitely various speed.    Vibratory roller-hydraulic double drum vibration, double frequency and amplitude.                                     Vibration oscillatory roller-front-rear vibration oscillation, rear drum double frequency and amplitude vibration.                                          Starting vibration and converting by electric control delay with simple operation.   Hydraulic steering with articulated frame. 3、Both drums vibrate separately or simultaneously, to adapt to different working condition, energy-saving, high-efficiency; 4、Special design of the fork support to compact the road shoulder fully closed, with good visions; 5、The cabin is spacious and bright, operation station and operation seat can rotate around 90°, conveniently for curb compaction; 6、An air-conditioner is optional for customers; 7、The covers on both sides can be turned up in a big angel, the engine and hydraulic components are fully exposed, which are more convenient for maintenance; 8、Connective design for two anti-corrosive sprinkler tanks with large capacity, electric control pressurized sprinkler system, intermittent spraying. 
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你好,骏马JM812HC全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 产品介绍 / The Introduction of products 性能特点: Main features 1、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速;液压单轮/双轮振动,单频双幅,电控起振;液压转向,操作轻便 2、铰接车架,转向灵活,双方向盘操控,压边控制性好 3、前后两套独立电控压力喷洒水系统,防腐洒水箱和系统 4、设有制动释放装置,可供近距离拖行 5、驾驶室可大角度翻起,维护保养方便 1、Hydraulic double drive, two infinitely variable speed; Hydraulic single/double vibration, single frequency, double amplitude, electric vibration, Hydraulic steering, convenient operation. Start-oscillation by electronic control. Hydraulic steering and easy to operation 2、Articulated frame, flexible steering, steering wheel control, pressure control is good 3、Pressure spray water system before and after the two sets of independent control system, anticorrosive sprinkle water tank and system 4、The brake release device for dragged from close range 5、The cab can be move large angle, maintenance is convenient 适用范围: Application 高等级公路沥青面层的压实,也适用于城市道路、城际公路等一般路面沥青面层的压实 Compacting and  the asphalt pavement, general road base, highway, city road and inter-city etc. 产品细节描述: 1、国际品牌萨奥SAUER柱塞泵 2、IGY大扭矩液压马达 1、International brand SAUER piston pump IGY high torque hydraulic motor
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你好,骏马JM806H全液压双钢轮振动压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围: Applications 高等级公路和城市道路、城际及县乡公路、工业场地等路面基础和沥青面层的压实和修补,振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层的压实和修补 Compacting and repairing the general road base and asphalt pavement, highway, city road, inter-city and country road, other projects, and etc.  The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller. 性能特点: Main features 1、驱动系统选用国际著名品牌进口液压元件; 2、液压双轮驱动,两档无极变速;振动机前后钢轮液压振动,双频双幅;振动振荡机前轮振动,后轮振荡,前后轮可单独起振,也可同时起振;电控延时起振,液压转向,操作轻便; 3、铰接车架,转向灵活;叉脚支撑设计,可完全贴近路肩压实;整机流线型设计,外形美观; 4、两套独立电控压力喷洒水系统,防腐洒水箱和系统; 5、前机罩可大角度开起,维护方便; 6、配置可选购的随机拖车,便于施工转移; 7、设有液压动力站(1—2套外接口)可为用户选配; 8、可选配进口柴油机。 1、Drive system adopts the international reputed brand imported hydraulic components; 2、Hydraulic double drum drive, two speed stepless change gear;  vibratory roller-double drum hydraulic vibrate, double frequency and amplitude;                                        vibratory oscillatory roller-front-drum vibration, rear-drum oscillation, both of drums can be vibrated separately or simultaneously.       Starting- vibration by electric control. Hydraulic steering and easy to operate; 3、Articulated frame, flexible steering, streamlined design and nice appearance.                                                                                      Special fork support design is used to compact the road shoulders more closely; 4、Two sets of separate electric control pressurized sprinkler system, anti-corrosive sprinkler tank and system; 5、The front cover can be turned up in a big angel for easily maintenance; 6、Random trailers are provided for transportation and save energy; 7、Hydraulic powered station (1-2 sets of outer joint) is optional on customers’ selection; 8、The imported diesel engine is optional.
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你好,骏马YZC4.5H/YZDC4.5H全液压双钢轮振动/振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于高等级公路和城市道路、城际及县乡公路、水利工程、体育和其它工业场 地等一般路面沥青面层的压实和修补; 振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层压实和修补。          Applications Compacting and repairing the general road base and asphalt pavement in city road, inter-city and township road, water conservancy project, sports and other industrial site and so on. The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller.   性能特点 1、液压双轮驱动,无级变速; 2、振动机:液压双轮振动,电控起振,激振力大,压实性能好; 振动振荡机:具有液压振动/振荡两种功能,压实性能好; 3、 液压转向,铰接式车架,操作轻便灵活; 4、配置防腐洒水箱,电控压力喷洒水系统; 5 、液压行走制动,电控盘刹停车制动,安全可靠; 6、前机罩大角度开启,维修保养触手可得; 7、主要液压元件采用进口国际知名品牌,性能可靠; 8、配有可供选购的平板拖车,便于施工转移; 9、可选配进口Kubota(久保田)柴油机。   Main features 1. Hydraulic double drum drive, infinitely variable speed. 2. Vibratory roller: Hydraulic double drum vibration, electronic controlled starting of vibration, great exciting force      with high compacting efficiency.     Vibratory oscillatory roller: vibration and oscillation two functions, with good compaction performance. 3. Hydraulic steering, articulated frame for flexible operation. 4. Equipped with electronic control pressurized water spraying system, high volume anti-corrosive water tank. 5. Hydraulic service brake, electronic self-locking parking brake, safe and reliable. 6. The front cover can be turned up in a big angel for easily maintenance. 7. Equipped with imported famous brand hydraulic components with reliable performance. 8. A trailer is provided for convenient transportation. 9. Imported Kubota engine is optional for you. 
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你好,骏马YZC12/YZDC12双钢轮振动/振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于城市道路、城际及县乡公路、体育运动和其它工业场地等 一般路面沥青面层的压实和修补; 振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层压实和修补。          Applications Compacting and repairing general road base and asphalt pavement of city road,inter-city road and etc.  The vibratory oscillatory roller is more suitable for compacting and repairing of bridge surface asphalt pavement which is unfit to compact by vibratory roller. 性能特点 1、机械驱动,三档行驶速度; 2、振动机:液压单轮振动,电控起振,激振力大,压实效率高;   振动振荡机:液压振动振荡,可转换,电控起振,压实性能好; 3、液压转向,铰接式车架,转向轻便灵活,操作轻便灵活; 4、前后各设置有防腐洒水箱,两套独立电控压力喷洒水系统; 5、操纵台及驾驶室可大角度翻起,维护保养触手可得; 6、双方向盘和操纵设计,便于操作者观察边缘压实; 7、液压元件采用知名品牌,性能可靠; 8、标配棚架,可选配空调驾驶室。 Main Features 1. Mechanical drive, three-speed gears. 2. Vibratory roller: Hydraulic single drum vibration, electronic controlled starting of vibration, great exciting force      with high compacting efficiency;     Vibratory oscillatory roller: hydraulic vibration and oscillation, conversion between vibration and oscillation easily,      electronic controlled starting of vibration with good compaction performance. 3. Hydraulic steering, articulated frame with flexible steering and operation. 4. Two anti-corrosive water tanks in both front and backside, two separate electronic control      pressurized water spraying systems.  5. Operating board and cabin can be turned up for big angle for convenient maintenance. 6. Twin steering wheel operation design offers convenience for operators to observe edge compaction. 7. Equipped with imported famous brand hydraulic components with reliable performance. 8. Standard equipped with canopy, cabin with air conditioner is for your choice.
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你好,骏马JM806H/JMD806H全液压双钢轮振动/振动振荡压路机的性能特点是: 适用范围 适用于高等级公路和城市道路、城际及县乡公路、水利工程、体育和其它工业场地等一般路面沥青面层的压实和修补; 振动振荡机更适用于桥面等不宜采用振动压实场地的沥青面层压实和修补。 Applications Compacting and repairing the general road base and asphalt pavement in highway, city road, inter-city and township road, water conservancy project, sports and other industrial site and so on.     性能特点 1、液压双轮驱动,两档无级变速; 2、振动机:液压双轮振动,电控延时起振,激振力大,压实性能好; 振动振荡机:具有液压振动/振荡两种功能,电控延时起振,压实性能好; 3、液压转向,铰接式车架,操作轻便灵活; 4 、配置防腐大容量洒水箱,电控压力喷洒水系统; 5、液压行走制动,电控盘刹停车制动,安全可靠; 6、前机罩大角度开启,维修保养触手可得; 7、主要液压元件采用进口国际知名品牌,性能可靠; 8、配有可供选购的平板拖车,便于施工转移; 9、可选配进口品牌柴油机。  Main Features   1. Hydraulic double drum drive, two-speed range and stepless speed change. 2. Vibratory roller: Hydraulic double drum vibration, electronic controlled delayed starting of vibration,      great exciting force with high compacting efficiency;     Vibratory oscillatory roller: with both hydraulic vibration and oscillation functions,  electronic controlled      delayed starting of vibration with good compaction performance.   3. Hydraulic steering, articulated frame with flexible operation.     4. Equipped with electronic control pressurized water spraying system, high volume anti-corrosive water tank.   5. Hydraulic service brake, electronic self-locking parking brake, safe and reliable.   6. The front cover can be turned up in a big angel for easily maintenance.   7. Equipped with imported famous brand hydraulic components with reliable performance. 8. A trailer is provided for convenient transportation. 9. Imported diesel engine is optional. 
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挖掘机 装载机 压路机 摊铺机 泵车 起重机